They may hack your data via Bluetooth

In the digital era many essentials have moved into our life. In the past days typewriter was a machine we used to create letters and documents. Then the computers and mobile phones came into our life and made our life much easier.

    The invention of smart phone was an idea which made people carry as much as information in one place. For sure it is a handy solution from the same phone which was used to carry for messaging and phone calls only, Now new advancements also gives us an ease to pay bills of grocery, share documents from office or make a presentation for your upcoming project.

    Smart phones have become an important part in our life. And also it is a vulnerable device which we use to carry in our information. Many connections can be made by our mobile phone to other devices but sometimes these active connections can be used to pull out our sensitive information to be used in some fraudulent activity. 

    Some of the connections like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are the most actively used connections which are mostly turned on and hackers take advantage of these connections to steal our phone's data. 

    There was a recent vulnerability found by the name of BlueBorne which targets those mobile phones who have their Bluetooth connections turned on. Hackers may steel your data connecting via BlueBorne and look for the sensitive information they want to take. It may be your bank information, your social account credentials, your contacts or i can be some of your official documents that you have stored in the mobile phone. So the best way to make your data safe is to turn off your connections as soon. 

    In many cases people connect their wireless headphones which are the most popular now a days or it can be your smart watch which has lost connectivity due to some reason. Hackers look for those connections which are mostly in the range of 33 feet or may be more.

   So be more careful and don't let your Bluetooth connection turned on open. the vulnerability was discovered by a security research company Armis.

     According to Armis the BlueBorne can take control over the device once the targeted device has been connected via BlueBorne. It is highly infectious and have infected devices like Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy Phones and Tablets , LG Watch Sport and Pumpkin Car Audio System.

    Security companies and Tech giants are trying to make devices as secure as possible but in recent security measures firewalls, network security measures , end point protections or mobile data are not designed to secure these type of vulnerabilities.


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